Truth and Transparency

As educators and avid consumers of cannabis derived therapeutics for our own personal health, we tend to forget that there are still some very real stigmas, fears of ostracization and misinformation regarding the plants themselves and consumption.  

As we stand in our truth and converse with complete transparency, we continue to initiate and engage in cannabis conversations that center around the fact that cannabis is food, fiber, fuel, medicine and culture, rather than a threat to society, from which stigmas, fears and misinformation are fueled. 

Facts matter and your personal approach to cannabis consumption may prevent you from engaging in therapeutics that could enhance your quality of life.  

The Facts and Fears of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)  

Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s we  were taught that hemp was synonymous with weed and that smoking it got you high and being high was for outlaws as weed was completely criminalized in 1937. It wasn’t until decades later and many years of peer reviewed modern scientific research that we learned the difference between hemp and what was previously referred to as weed/ marijuana and the herbal and medicinal benefits of each.  

Let’s address the facts and fears of THC.

Tetrahydrocannabinol, or more commonly known as THC, is the cannabinoid in the cannabis plant that is responsible for the euphoria that is felt when consumed. It creates what is referred to as the high.  High can be good, meaning it creates a pleasurably and more elevated experience, or it can be bad, meaning the mind is struggling to process the sensation it is experiencing, therefore causing  paranoia, anxiety and or hallucinations. 

The Facts and Fears of CBD (Cannabidiol)

Cannabidiol, or more commonly known as CBD, it is the cannabinoid in cannabis, that when isolated, offers a calm, tranquilizing less euphoric experience.  The use of CBD can be good, meaning it helped to mitigate anxiety and in turn created a calm and tranquil experience or it could be not so good because it was mediocre as you are in need of a more euphoric experience.  

Both cannabinoids are extremely valuable, and our personal therapeutic regimens include them both.  

Both have been found to be effective in: reducing intraocular pressure in those suffering from glaucoma, reducing nausea and vomiting associated with chemo therapy, reducing anxiety, stimulating the appetite with those living with AIDS and suffering from wasting syndrome, reducing the intensity of chronic pain and controlling seizures associated with seizure disorders.    

Cannabis is the truth! And so are we.